How to Track Your Cycle and Take Charge in 2024

A Hormone-Free Approach to Birth Control

hormone free birth control

I grew up tracking my menstrual cycle on a calendar I hung to the wall of my childhood bedroom; a thick black marker marked the days of my period and spotting, but even when counting days, it was mostly a guessing game to determine when my monthly cycle would begin and how long it would last.

Times sure have changed, and I have traded my physical calendar for a tech solution in the palm of my hand. It’s a non-hormonal approach that takes the guesswork out of period tracking and even birth control. 

As someone who has experienced the ups and downs of hormonal birth control, I found solace in the precision and reliability of the Natural Cycles app. Approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a method of birth control, Natural Cycles allows me to take charge of my fertility and menstrual cycle without the side effects of traditional hormonal contraception.

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The Decision to Shift Away from Hormonal Birth Control:

Is Hormone Free Birth Control Better?

For years, hormonal birth control was the best option for me to manage my reproductive health (and clear up my skin). While it served its purpose for a while, the mood swings, weight fluctuations, and the general unease of taking a daily pill were not worth it. That’s when I stumbled upon Natural Cycles, a scientifically-backed app that offered a hormone-free approach to birth control.

Understanding the Natural Cycles App:

How Can I Track My Period Accurately

Natural Cycles is more than just a menstrual cycle tracker; it’s a comprehensive tool developed by scientists and supported by clinical evidence. The app uses an algorithm to confirm fertility status on a daily basis, providing a reliable way to track and plan accordingly. 

A Green Day in the Natural Cycles app shows you when you are not fertile. NC° is for 18+ and does not protect against STIs.

Here’s how it works:

1. Green Day:

On Green Days, the app signals that you are not fertile and can proceed without additional forms of protection. These days offer peace of mind and a sense of freedom, knowing that pregnancy is highly unlikely.

2. Red Day:

A Red Day indicates you are in your fertile window, and during this time, the app recommends using an alternative form of protection or abstaining from sexual activity. This heightened awareness allows for informed decision-making, aligning with your family planning goals.

The Fertile Window:

Can a Period Tracker be Wrong?

How accurate is a period tracking app at predicting your fertile window and period? According to Natural Cycles, the fertile window describes the six days in each cycle when pregnancy is possible. This includes the day of ovulation and the days leading up to it. Natural Cycles takes the survival rate of sperm into account, offering a holistic understanding of fertility and enabling more precise planning. FYI, sperm can live in the female reproductive system for up to five days before an egg is released, so make sure you’re tracking your details!

tracking a period cycle on a calendar
Remember the days of tracking your cycle on a wall calendar? Now you can upgrade with Natural Cycles.

The Scientific Foundation of Natural Cycles:

The Natural Cycles app was developed by scientists who harnessed the power of data and clinical studies to create an algorithm that goes beyond just cycle tracking. Even if you are skeptical about non-traditional birth control, there is some peace of mind knowing the scientific research that has gone into developing this app.

That testing and evaluation extends as far as the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for Natural Cycles as a method of birth control. The app’s effectiveness is supported by clinical studies, giving you a layer of confidence in its accuracy and reliability. 

a graph tracks your cycle in the Natural Cycles app
Natural Cycles is approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a method of birth control. NC° is for 18+ and does not protect against STIs.

Is Natural Cycles Right for You?

So how does it work? The ability to understand my body’s natural rhythm and fertility status has empowered me to make informed decisions about my reproductive health. The app’s user-friendly interface and daily notifications make it easy to stay on track, and the option to log additional data such as basal body temperature and ovulation tests enhances its accuracy.

Is Natural Cycles right for you? Take the quiz to find out.

Breaking Free from Hormonal Side Effects:

One of the most significant advantages of Natural Cycles for me has been the absence of hormonal side effects. Unlike traditional birth control methods that can impact mood, weight, and overall well-being, Natural Cycles offers a hormone-free alternative. This has translated into a more harmonious relationship with my body and a sense of control over my reproductive health without compromise.

Embracing a Holistic Approach:

Natural Cycles encourages a holistic approach to reproductive health. It goes beyond the concept of fertile and non-fertile days by providing insights into the intricacies of the menstrual cycle.

Navigating Lifestyle Changes:

Life is dynamic, and so are our bodies. Natural Cycles adapts to lifestyle changes, making it a versatile as you move through the different seasons of your life, changes in schedules and routines. Whether traveling, experiencing stress, or adapting to new habits, the app’s adaptability ensures continued accuracy in tracking fertility.

When you’re setting up your app, you can select from three different options:

  • Prevent pregnancy
  • Find fertile days
  • Monitor pregnancy

These options can be changed in your settings as you needs change.

Trying to get pregnant, or are you already pregnant? Natural Cycles allows you to adjust your settings for your season in life. NC° is for 18+ and does not protect against STIs.

Is the Natural Cycles App Worth It?


Natural Cycles is a great option for a natural, hormone-free approach to birth control. With its scientific foundation, FDA approval, and effectiveness from Day 1, the app provides a reliable solution to control of you reproductive health without compromising you well-being.

The app’s commitment to transparency, backed by clinical evidence, gives me confidence and trust in its effectiveness. My overall health is a priority year-round and apps like Natural Cycles guiding me with precision, ease, and the freedom to embrace a hormone-free approach to contraception.

Ready to give it a try? Learn more about Natural Cycles here.

NC° is for 18+ and does not protect against STIs

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